Lawless trailer- Analyze

The Lawless trailer gives me a few rough ideas as to what the movie is about.
a few of those ideas would be that; the movie is set in the 19th century. i know this because of the clothing, weapons and cars. 

The music in the beginning of the trailer sets a very exciting and persuasive mood. i think this was a good choice because the trailer shows that the movie is an action movie that has a lot of suspense and action. furthermore, the conversation at the beginning of the trailer where the girl says that her father has warned her about the infamous Bondurant Brothers. shows that they are known for something and according to all the action scenes in the movie, it isn’t something very positive. Moreover, the flashing/fast frames also show action and suspense because we don’t see much yet we see enough to be able to judge how the scenes would probably be like. the range of frames showed me that unlike most action movies, there are scenes of romance, violence, action and scenes where there is just a normal conversation going on that includes threats. The characters seem like they are gangsters because of the confidence they speak with. Another reason why I think they are gangsters is because usually, Gangsters are important, and the way they frame the characters faces (profile view, low angle, eye level) show that there is a slight bit of importance when it comes to them.